Our next event is just around the corner. February 22 & 23 we are hosting the U14 Provincial Series. If you are interested in helping please sign up using the link below. We will be circulating this sign up to the greater skiing community this Thursday so make sure to sign up before then to get first pick. As with all sanctioned races it is recommended that you complete your Level 1 Officials course. For this race the only role that requires your Level 1 is Gate Judge. One of our club parent's/official is willing to conduct a course online before the race if there is interest. If this is you, please put a note in your sign up and we will circulate details as soon as they are available.
Please direct all inquiries to our Volunteer Coordinators at [email protected]. All details about annual volunteer requirements can be found on our website (www.lakelouiseskiclubs.ca/volunteering.html).
Mandy Long & Sheena JohnsonCo-Volunteer Coordinators, Lake Louise Ski Clubs We knew when we were assigned two casinos on the same two days that it would take a village to fill all the required shifts, however we are confident that with over 200 athletes we can meet our obligations! As of writing this, we only have a small handful of vacant shifts Thursday and Friday mornings at both locations. The same cannot be said for the Friday We understand that Saturday is a ski day for many families as such, for any individuals who volunteer their time for the Friday, January 24, 2025, 7 pm or 11 pm shifts we will credit you with 25 financial volunteer points rather than the typical 15. Carla Ogryzlo and Anne FrickCasino Chairs, Lake Louise Ski Clubs What if someone volunteers for our family? If you have someone other than yourselves volunteer for your family, please email us ([email protected]) to let us know who it was and for which event. That way Sheena and Mandy will know who to put the credits towards! How do I view our credits to date? You will find the same link at the bottom of the weekly volunteer update in this newsfeed. We will do our best to update the tracking spreadsheet in a timely manner. Please remember we are volunteers. What if I notice discrepancies with my credits? Please email Sheena and Mandy at [email protected] with the details so we can make any necessary corrections! I have enough credits but it still shows I have not met my annual commitment? In addition to the number of credits you must earn you must also complete at least one financial and one community commitment. What if I get charged my Volunteer Bond and I feel I met my commitment? It is your responsibility to ensure your family's credit tracking is accurate by May 1, 2025 otherwise you will be charged an admin fee when we refund the bond. Mandy Long & Sheena JohnsonVolunteer Coordinators, Lake Louise Ski Clubs Registration is just around the corner as such I have a few updates:
Stephanie JohnstonMember Services, Lake Louise Ski Clubs The dedication of our volunteers plays a crucial role in the success of our sport. To those who have already contributed their time and effort for the past U16 SG races, the Voli Cup and the upcoming Grizzly Cup, a big thank you for your invaluable support. Your commitment enhances the overall experience for the athletes, and everyone involved. For those considering volunteering, your efforts truly make a difference, not only in the logistics and success of the events but also in fostering a sense of community and friendship. As the U16 Western Regional Championships approach and the 21st annual Doug Meyers Invitational draws near, your continued support is vital. Whether you're helping with setup, assisting during the events, or participating in the leadup, there is a job for each and everyone's skillset. Thank you to all the volunteers for your time, dedication, and passion. Your commitment to the sport and the community is truly commendable. Gavin PreziosiExecutive Director, Lake Louise Ski Clubs We are looking for 1-2 individuals who are willing to help out with Fundraising initiatives for the club. This will give you your financial credit as well as 20 volunteer points for the season. We are looking to roll out our first campaign immediately. If you are interested, please contact me directly at [email protected]. Stephanie JohnstonMember Services, Lake Louise Ski Clubs With our Comp/Race seasons underway it has been brought to our attention that it is absolutely essential for ALL parents to register as General Members with Alberta Alpine. This ensures that each of you are insured to volunteer at both at Lake Louise and other ski resorts. Going forward, ROCs and event hosts WILL be checking you are a member in good standing before you will be allowed to volunteer at any sanctioned competition or in- house events including Grizzly Cup, Voli Cup and the Doug Meyers Invitational. This year, there has been a shift from the previous framework of automatically charging membership fees when registering athletes to a per-parent membership model. Unlike the previous Family Membership structure that covered everyone upon registration, the new approach requires individual membership for each parent. If you're unsure whether you've previously registered for your 2023/24 membership, you can refer to our VOLUNTEER TRACKING SHEET under the 'Parents can volunteer' column. Those who have already registered with Alberta Alpine will have a check mark beside their name.
Stephanie JohnstonMember Services, Lake Louise Ski Clubs LLSCs will be hosting their annual awards banquet at the Lake Louise Ski Resort Saturday, April 27. While most of our banquet committee from last season is returning we are looking for one more volunteer to help. If you are interested please email our Volunteer Coordinators. Stephanie JohnstonMember Services, Lake Louise Ski Clubs We are hosting a U16 Super-G event on Men’s Downhill February 27-28. This will be a super fun 2 days speed event filled with excitement. To make this event happen, we need a lot of volunteers! Both during the event and for set up. You guys get first pick!! We will be circulating the sign-up to other participating clubs this Friday, February 2. We understand that this race runs on a Tuesday and Wednesday and not everyone will be able to make it. For this race, we encourage everyone of you to step out of their comfort zone and maybe try something new. We have lots of positions to fill at the start, the finish, on course, before or after the race. If you have any questions about any of the roles or responsibilities, please contact Genevieve Giroux (Chief of Race) or Anne Frick (Chief of Volunteers). Unable to help during the week? We need help with set up the 2 weekends before the race itself. Please have a look at the signup below for both set up and race day options. Anne FrickChief of Volunteers, U16 SG Race My apologies for the last minute notice, but we are required to complete a sign up for the level 1 officials courses being offered at the hill this weekend. Please use the buttons below to sign up for the session you would like to attend. All questions can be directed to Dave Howard. Sarah KohlsmithAlpine Chair, LLSCs |
February 2025