We are so excited that ski season is finally here! We wanted to send out a note to capture the volunteer commitment information all in one place! Your role as a parent in the club is critical to the success of all of our athletes, and to help make sure we have volunteer support, all athletes have a volunteer points commitment. You can choose to pay the volunteer bond instead, but honestly volunteering is fun, and a great way to get to know other ski families! A family is required to collect points (or pay the fees) for up to two athletes (e.g., if a family has three athletes, they will be required to volunteer/pay the bond for two athletes). Members should volunteer for at least one financial opportunity and one community building opportunity. This is a minimum of 1 point in each opportunity category. This year, because many of the financial opportunities occurred before the season even started, as such you only need a minimum of 1 financial point (bringing in one sponsor can get you that point!). Throughout the year, volunteer time will be tracked in the VOLUNTEER CREDIT TRACING SPREADSHEET. Please check your volunteer points throughout the season, and if you think something has been missed, please email [email protected] for assistance. There is usually a time lag getting hours in the system. Currently we do not have the volunteer list from the Calgary New and Used Ski Sale reflected. This year, as families hit their total, we will be removing the bond payment in RAMP and we will stop tracking actively tracking your points. SO if you are thinking... "how on earth am I going to hit this total?"... have no fear! Below is a list of common opportunities. As other opportunities come up, emails requests will generally be sent out, and an appropriate point value allocated. If you volunteer for something, and aren't sure it's been captured just send us an email at [email protected]! Sheena Johnson & Mandy LongVolunteer Coordinators, Lake Louise Ski Clubs Comments are closed.
January 2025